Now That I'm Older

NTIO #216 Atlantis Blues



Hello and welcome to a show that remembers how shitty it must have been to be one of the Brady kids, when Mike and Carroll got married...I mean 3 new sisters or brothers or as we like to call it Now That I’m Older. This week we talk about a lot of stuff but our main topic is how godawful Aqua Man was. Yes, we know we are late on our review and for that matter we don’t even really ever review movies, but on this day, Kenny was fired up about how bad Aqua Man was and we just dove in. We also talk a little about Endgame with some spoilers and we discuss a controversial topic and Kenny tells us his crazy stance on the subject! This week we shouted out: Mixed Drinks and Mysteries Podcast: Epitaph and A grave for crows podcast ‏and we spun promos for: Gareth’s Random Ramblings and My Worst Date! Check them out, after you finish with this week's NTIO! If you turn our show off and click one of these links, we'll know! This week's show goes out to everyone who watched the end of GoT and thought, WHAT THE HEL