Dr. Ross Greene

Understanding and Helping Behaviorally Challenging Students



If things aren't going so well with the students with social, emotional, and behavioral challenges in your school, you're not alone! Helping challenging kids in a classroom...while attending to the diverse needs of the other students...and trying to make sure they all do well on high-stakes testing...can be a daunting challenge. In this program, Dr. Ross Greene -- author of The Explosive Child and Lost at School, and originator of the Collaborative Problem Solving (CPS) approach -- helps you view challenging behavior in a more compassionate, accurate, productive manner and intervene more effectively. Want to learn more about the CPS model? Do you have questions about how to get the ball rolling on using the model in your building or classroom? Are you running into trouble in your attempts to use the model with a particular student? This is your opportunity to get your questions answered and listen to how other educators are using the model and overcoming some of the hurdles involved in responding more effecti