Don Woods

Wimbledon, Glastonbury Lionesses and Bands!



Glastonbury has had blanket coverage on television....and for once wellington boots were not required and everyone had a good time once they had recovered from the price of the tickets....Stormzy went down well for some strange reason...apparently the MUSIC festival is now the place to air your political views....this sort of rubbish should be performed in a cellar somewhere and leave the big venues to musicians....but this is only the opinion of a senior citizen who is thankful to have enjoyed decent music over the years....I'm all for music "moving on" but let's keep it real... Still on the music front I know quite a few people who went to the Westlife concert in Liverpool... and quite rightly enjoyed it....HOWEVER if you wanted a T Shirt you would have to fork out 35 quid....then we have the ticket price on would think the organisers would have a bit more respect for the fans instead of ripping them off....or is that O.K.? me "boybands" like Westlife and Boyzone are simply doing what a