Public Speaking With David Murray

Connect with your listeners by getting your ‘Volume and Pace’ just right – 051



It is important to get your volume and pace right in all communications. Whether that be delivering a presentation to colleagues at work, having a conversation with a friend or family member, or creating a video learning experience. Subscribe to my newsletter and receive monthly tips and techniques to help you speak and communicate with confidence. Please click me: In this episode I share with you my top technique to ensure that when you deliver a presentation at work, everyone can hear you and therefore connect with what you have to say. It is called 'getting your volume and pace, just right'!. When delivering a presentation at work, begin by asking your audience if they can “hear you at the back”. Then you can adjust your volume accordingly. Pace yourself. Use pauses for dramatic effect or to give yourself the opportunity to gather your thoughts. Take a sip of water...breathe. If you would like to discover more tips and techniques to help speak and communicate with confidenc