Weddings For Real

71: Toxic Stress and How It's Killing Your Business, with Therapist and Executive Coach Andy Maurer



At the Engage Luxury Wedding Summit in June, therapist and entrepreneurial coach Andy Maurer gave the most impactful and self-reflective speech at a breakout session - "Toxic Stress and How It's Killing Your Business". Many people left that session crying. I told as many people I could about it but could never do the speech justice. So I had to have Andy back on the show today to share his breakout session, what toxic stress is and where it comes from, and some tips on how to alleviate it.  If you have stress in your life - hello wedding industry! - you won't want to miss this one! Announcements as heard on the show: 1) Come join me and some of the top wedding vendors in the Triangle THIS SUNDAY, Aug 4th from 4-6pm at the Barn of Chapel Hill Open House! It is planned by our good friends and podcast supporters over at Harmony Weddings and Events. Tour one of our very favorite venues, sample food, drinks and cake and meet wedding vendors of all kinds. Tickets are FREE. See you there! 2) We are beyond excited fo