Seika Network

Violet ReikiRadio - Guest, Karin Peklak of Peacelovehealing Reiki



Karin Peklak, of Peaclovehealing Reiki is a Reiki Level II Practitioner, providing reiki for people, and reiki for large and small animals in the NJ & eastern PA areas While on a healing journey, Karin Peklak experienced reiki and felt she had to learn more.  She started studying reiki I & II with Michelle Kelly in 2006, and is finishing her reiki III practitioner training with Connie Bell-Dixon.  Karin was drawn to connect with animals thru reiki, following the practices detailed in Kathleen Prasad's animal reiki book, and the animals shared their gentle guidance allowing her to explore the new energies and growing awarenesses reiki brings. Karin continues to study reiki and deepen her spiritual practice aided by the honesty and wisdom of the animals, and share the peace, love, healing and serenity of reiki with all beings and our amazing earth Information about Karin's reiki services can be found peacelovehealing reiki (, Stockton NJ, or by con