Zack Childress - Rei Success Academy -

The 24-Week Challenge: Week 17 - Working With A Virtual Assistant



The question the 24- Week Challenge is tackling is how do real estate investors build real wealth and freedom without access to millions of dollars in capital? Zack Childress is helping us find the answer. He’s taking us through 24 steps to arrive at the answer. This is week 17 of the challenge, which covers Working With A Virtual Assistant. When you need assistance and don’t have a lot of money, what do you do? What you cannot do is hire an office full of people. VAs can find deals, call homeowners, prescreen, do CRM tasks, post blogs, set appointments, send thank you notes, etc. When you’re looking for a VA, request someone with real estate and data entry experience. Assign tasks slowly, then increase them as you learn the individual’s skills. Hourly pay for VAs is generally from $3 to $6, but can be more if you go through a staffing company. Specific, step-by step training is needed even if the VA has real estate experience. There is no way to keep your VA from working with another real estate investor in