Zack Childress - Rei Success Academy -

The 24-Week Challenge: Week 12 - Making Offers



Here’s the question we’re working toward answering during the 24-week challenge. How do real estate investors build real wealth and freedom without access to millions of dollars in capital? We’re on week 12 of the challenge… the halfway point. Zack Childress is guiding us through the steps to get to the answer. This week’s topic is Making Offers. We make offers after we’ve completed all the steps discussed in weeks 1 through 11. An offer doesn’t have to be on a state-provided contract if you buy directly from seller. Offer must show price, terms, close date and contingency period. Plus, some small amount of money must change hands (from buyer to seller in escrow account) for the contract to be valid. That’s what an offer is. Not as scary as you thought. Try to make a 3-option offer, which gives the seller choices. The options drive the seller to consider what he or she wants from the deal, and you appear knowledgeable and likeable. And you are, aren’t you? The 3-option approach can also work if you’re dealing