Greenhouse Lasses

Best Earth Ever



It’s 2019, yet our society wants mothers to work as if they don’t have kids AND for mothers to have kids as if they don’t work. Join us for Episode 7 with Energy Bees co-founder Sadie Bronk as we walk through her career and life journey from navigating an unexpected career path out of college, becoming a director by age 35, to starting a small, women-owned and LGBTQ-owned business soon after becoming a mother. Notes: Learn more about Sadie’s company Energy Bees: While we didn’t cover it in this episode, we want to reiterate that reproductive rights and the right to family leave is not solely a women’s issue. Our current dialogue leaves out trans and gender non-binary + people out, but they have just as much of a right to these as cis-gender women: Further reading on parental leave: How the US Ranks Globally: Conversations Around Co