Don Woods

The Lovely Una Stubbs



The fools who made a joke about the burning of the Grenfell Tower by making an effigy of it burning and which ended up on social media were taken to court and the case was thrown out....this has naturally not only caused distress to the victims it has also caused a public outcry.....but the point is there was no case because there was no offence.....the activity was sick and tasteless but didn't break any laws.........nowadays we seem to think you have to be careful what you say in case someone screams "racist" or "sexist" but what people don't seem to understand is unless you are likely to cause a riot you can say what you like.....because someone is offended doesn't make it an speech still exists and it's time we all realised that. The media are once again still attempting to wind everyone up with the recent cost of Prince Harry's and Meghan's flight abroad....they must search for hours for a pathetic story to fill their newspapers...or should I say toilet papers......this time it involv