Connecting The Classics

Ep. 28: Mitch Hedberg's 'Mitch All Together' to Mort Garson's 'Plantasia'



EMAIL US at if you have any ideas for albums or themes we should cover in future episodes. If we pick your theme, we'll venmo you $1!!!! Also, when you're finished listening to this episode, take this quick survey in order to let us know who you think won the episode: You can email us with who you think won too if you prefer! The theme for Episode 28 is "The Voyager Golden Record." We talk about the Golden Record that Carl Sagan curated, which was included on the Voyager space probe and is currently flying through space. Our albums reflect the LPs that we would like to blast into the universe for aliens to potentially discover.  Will chose Mitch Hedberg's 'Mitch All Together' and Lee chose Mort Garson's 'Plantasia.' The two hosts connect them using tangential song references, Kevin Bacon style. Thanks for listening!!!! @CTCPod on Twitter