Tales From The Ditch

Episode 43 - Tony Part 2: Money Never Sleeps (Marriage and Chicken)



The second part with Tony where we discuss marriage and chicken, and Seth begins to unravel before we cut him off. Intro/Outro: Troybert 00:00 - Mawwiage01:05 - Why did Tony get married?03:46 - Why did Sean get married?10:51 - Arranged marriages13:43 - Tony and the Traveling Pants22:03 - Sean has a good marriage25:39 - Seths Marriage31:23 - Best Chicken34:33 - Boneless37:24 - Arguments with a turkey39:07 - Seth wrecks the Moss baby shower44:01 - Raising Canes is a stupid name47:37 - Penising51:56 - Seth has a small mental break