Mom Wants More

Summer Series: Rebecca Bender



Y'all are in for a treat because Rebecca Bender is on the podcast today and she is bringing the heat. And the laughter. Rebecca is a passionate speaker with a powerful story but what we love so much about this episode is the pared down, super honest, practical encouragement that came out of this conversation. She's a mom to 4 kiddos (littles AND bigs), she's a leader, a dreamer, a preacher, an activist, a teacher, and that's not even all the hats she wears.   Rebecca is someone who doesn't just dream big, she DOES big things. She feels the Lord's nudge and she takes action. In this episode we talk about swinging for the fences and going all in when we know God has called us to do something, but we also talk about balancing that with the everyday rhythms of motherhood and life. Because one is not more valuable, honorable, or more sacred than the other.   As we like to say, our work is not a distraction from our life and our life is not a distraction from our work. Our life IS our work.   Today's episode is a p