Mom Wants More

Interview with Maeve Gerboth



Are you a mama in that tender, transitional time with a brand new baby? Those early months and years can be a beautiful, life-giving (literally), deeply fulfilling... and often engulfing season. A season that can fill you up but also empty you clear out faster than anything ever has before. Can we get an amen out there? Today we're chatting with Maeve Gerboth, a writer, new mama, community manager, and can generally be found pouring a hot cup of tea. Maeve dives deep with us into how creative work can look and feel during this time, and offers up SO much hope and encouragement for all the mamas out there trying to find the balance. Maeve lives in Virginia with her husband and baby boy. She is a writer, avid tea drinker, and people gatherer. She works for Hope*writers as their Community Manager -- dishing out love & encouragement to all writers as best she can. You can find more of her heart over on instagramthese days, where she shares about motherhood, restlessness, friendship, and seeking God in all tha