Synergy Mindset Coaching

Setting Intentions that Succeed with Karen Liebenguth



Over half of people that set intentions fail at succeeding with them but it's not you, it doesn't have to be. If you have started to fall away from the intentions you set on New Years or have fallen away completely, don’t worry, Karen is here to share with you some great ways that you can not only get back on track but ensure success to see them through.   Karen is at her best when she is surrounded by nature in the great outdoors. She offers life coaching in green spaces and parks in and around London. She helps professional men and woman who, "appear" on the surface to be doing well yet feel unfulfilled,  have a real worry and fear that they are missing out on opportunities and that they are wasting time. They don't quite know what to do. Karen helps them to live a more meaningful life. There are some people that are ready to leave their current job, they don't know what to do. Others experience conflict at work, difficulty in their relationship and Karen helps them to be able to overcome the fear of