Synergy Mindset Coaching

Healthy Mind and Hormones with Dr. Cobi



Woman are like the thermostat of the home, there is a ripple into their families, jobs and everything they do if they are not well. This week on Mindset Monday is our first Practitioner interview with Dr. Cobi from Essential Health Natural Wellness Clinic. We all know it is important to have a healthy body but I ask her why is it important to have a healthy mind? Dr. Cobi tells us that it doesn't really matter how healthy your physical body is if your mind is not. If you are struggling with depression or anxiety you may not answer you are doing alright. If you have a really healthy mindset and are struggling with physical symptoms, you can sort of overlook them if your mindset is healthy. How do you help woman achieve optimal health? Dr. Cobi's specialty is Hormonal Health. She found that the underlying cause of many of the woman she would see was because of a hormone issue. Upon realizing this Dr. Cobi returned to school to earn her Ph.D. in Endocrine Function, (Basically Hormone Issues) She found hers