Synergy Mindset Coaching

Overcoming Leukaemia During Pregnancy with Jan Pratico



Jan’s  Second Chance Story Imagine finding out you have Leukaemia when you are still under 30, not only with a three-year-old but while pregnant. The fear, the worry, the what iffs’ yet Jan shares a story that is positive, uplifting and offers hope and inspiration to realize that Cancer is the beginning and not the end.   Her Second Chance Story Jan found out she had Leukaemia while she was pregnant and was more concerned about her son than her own health. She went to the doctors' office for a test for Rubella and the doctor called her the next day and told her they needed to see her right away. She went to the doctor worried that he would tell her she had a miscarriage because she had one eight months prior. He came in looking like he had lost his best friend, and with tears in his eyes told her they thought she had Leukaemia. Jan didn't know what it was and had thought that they were telling her that her baby had Leukaemia. As she began to realize what it meant, she asked him if he was telling her she