Synergy Mindset Coaching

Escaping Death with Christopher Hostetler



Could you imagine if your child was playing in the backyard, and the next thing you know, his friend has come to get you, to let you know he has been shot? Imagine you are in the hospital wondering if he is going to be alright. How would this affect your family and how would this affect your child? Chris shares his experience for the first time on radio, a story of hard times, strong family, healing and then a journey to help others. I found Chris on Google, his website was ranking near the top when I was searching for something. His story took my attention from the second I saw it. Since the interview, I feel like we instantly connected; he is a strong, inspiring and deeply caring family man. I hope you enjoy his story and are inspired by it as much as I am. Chris was playing in his backyard when he was only 5 years old.  His life memories pretty much start the day of the accident. He was swinging on the swing set and playing with a friend. His neighbor was a Vietnam Vet, perhaps having an episode