Public Speaking With David Murray

Want to send your audience to sleep? Keep your ‘hands in your pockets’ – 057



Imagine you are delivering a talk, or a presentation?   What is the one thing you can do that will guarantee your clients or colleagues will either fall asleep be rushing to the exit door? It is delivering your message whilst keeping both your hands in your pockets. Audiences love it when you have an open and welcoming posture. This way you will look welcoming and you can use your hands to emphasis different aspects of your talk.  Remember if you listen to Episode 32, you will hear how most of what we say is through our non-verbal communication. So if you want to turn off your audience, keep your hands in your pockets and look not bothered and bored.If you don’t want to turn them off and want to feel confident and engage with them, have your hands out to the side and have an open and welcoming posture. If you would like to discover more tips and techniques to help speak and communicate with confidence, you can subscribe to my newsletter and access my free confident communication top tips here: http://eepurl.