Minionworks - Actual Play Rpg Podcasts

OTOMS 6.3 - Shackin' Up, Part Three



The gang has gone underground to find Aubrey. Aubrey, meanwhile, is just gone... disconnected with reality. Far beneath Mount Shasta, the young pawn shop clerk is being prepared to become betrothed to the Mole King; whether she believes it's happening or not is irrelevant. But the strange scenario developing in the caverns below is just the peak of the mountain. Before the dust from Monty's Dustbuster® settles, Junie will come to a dreadful realization about the weird events of recent weeks and how they're tied to her childhood friend. Worse, she'll make an even more dreadful decision to try and save her. Can Junie and her companions make it to Aubrey in time to speak now, or will something make sure they forever hold their peace? Find out at the penultimate session of Season One draws to a close.