Minionworks - Actual Play Rpg Podcasts

OTOMS 7.1 - Arrested Developments, Part One



The final session of Season One begins! When we last left the group, everyone had barely managed to succeed at and survive the rescue of Aubrey from the clutches of the Mole King. Just two days later, however, it appears ANOTHER member of the party needs saving. Grey LaMontagne has been arrested; charged with the murder of Valeria Magnani after a call from a concerned citizen led Mt. Shasta Police to a secret room with Golddigger's Pawn Shop. Convinced that their friend is being framed, Luca, Monty, Junie, and Aubrey have arrived at Golddigger's eager to search for clues and help clear his name. However, the problem about searching for the unknown is that you always run the risk of finding something that you'd rather not have found. Or... as the case is about to be... sometimes, something you'd rather not locate finds you first instead.