Don Woods

I'd Like to Strangle My Boss!



There was an interesting item on the morning news regarding gun crime in the U.S.A.....they had an ex policeman talking about how he runs courses teaching young kids how to protect themselves should someone come into the school and start shooting at everybody.... Boris is still hanging on in there trying to sort the country out despite being accused of touching a woman's knee 20 years ago....if this was part of a novel you would never believe it....what the hell this pathetic allegation has to do with politics is beyond me.. I recently ordered two tee shirts from Amazon....only one arrived so I contacted them...they told me they would refund the money for the two tee shirts and I could keep the one I had.....was Wetherspoon....don't you just love's that for a two finger salute. If you ever visit the Roman City of Chester you can actually find some Romans still there....they work for the council and are disguised as traffic wardens....and you don't even have to park on a yellow line to get a tic