Arisen Strength Motivational Podcast

Arisen Strength - Cynthia Covert



Featuring - Cynthia Covert "The Disabled Diva"Wayne and Shane sit down with "The Disabled Diva" herself, as they discuss what it takes to empower ourselves through life's most difficult challenges! 5:49 - Cynthia shares how and why she became "The Disabled Diva" to her ever growing list of followers10:59 - reveals her creative passion that has her not only think of hope but also helps others!26:50 - Shane asks how many doctors has Cynthia been too for her challenges - This answer will blow you away!29:25 - Cynthia explains how she came to the decision to self-treat with medical marijuana.* If you would like to show your appreciation we simply ask that you Follow the Speaking to the Heart Radio Network and share FREELY!To Learn More visit - ArisenStrength.com