Minionworks - Actual Play Rpg Podcasts

OTOMS 7.2 - Arrested Developments, Part Two



Luca, Junie, Aubrey, and Monty have all arrived at Golddigger's Pawn Shop to try and get down to the bottom of why Mount Shasta's finest have pinned the murder of Valeria Magnani on its proprietor, Grey LaMontagne. The gang has been led to Grey's hidden... entertainment chamber, let's say... where a grisly scene has presented itself. However, before you can say Lobster Thermidor aux crevettes with a Mornay sauce, garnished with truffle pâté, brandy and a fried egg on top, something has begun to extrude from the shower within and it's very eager to... meat... the party. What horror is about to unleash itself? Who is REALLY responsible for the murder of Valeria? And just how does a macabre shopgirl play a central role in EVERYTHING that is occurring on the mountainside? Prepare to find out as we continue towards the Season One finale!