Sam Explores Podcast

How To Move Off Grid, A Journey To Earthship Living with Cathy Krueger - Episode 2



Have you dreamt of living away from the city, in a sustainable, off grid home? Today, I visit my neighbor Cathy Krueger, to discuss just that. Last year Cathy and a team of volunteers embarked on a mission to construct the first earth ship in our region. If you’re not familiar with earthships, you’re in for a real treat. According to earthship international, earthships are designed based off of 6 principles.  1.    Thermo-solar heating and cooling2.    solar and wind electricity3.    self-contained sewage treatment4.    building with natural and recycled materials5.    water harvesting and long-term storage6.    some internal food production capability This particular earthship is heated through an attached greenhouse, cooled through an underground tube, and powered by solar panels. Water is collected from the roof and stored in an underground cistern, food is grown in the greenhouse, and the epicenter of the entire structure is a