FaceBook Ads Podcast with Joe Chavez

You shouldn't have to hire me or anyone to run your FaceBook Ads



In this episode I cover why you should never hire a FaceBook Ads "Expert." Even why you shouldn't hire me. It's the first episode of many to come. Not much FaceBook Ads advice in this episode. Just back story on why I started this podcast. This show is for you. I never want you to hire me. All I want is for you to share this with one person that you think can get value from it. Whether it's a co-worker, local business owner or your friend who is trying to get their idea off the ground. Joe Chavez is a digital strategist with a focus on paid media. He's created brands & digital campaigns for ten years across a variety of industries. Along the way he's learned to connect marketing goals to business results as an in-house marketing director & freelance consultant. If you want to be on the show just email me at joe@joechavezzz.com with the subject line "I want to be on your podcast." If you visit www.joechavezzz.com you can see my portfolio. If you're into polished design projects, social media ca