Dental Slang With Dr. Christopher Phelps And Dr. Jodi Danna

Dr. Brian Baliwas talks about all things Instagram and the slang behind being a Dental Influencer.



Never stop learning. No matter what field you work in - never stop learning! For all the dentists listening in out there, this goes beyond staying up-to-date on dental tools and practices. That’s important too, of course, but today’s episode is about learning something new, something modern. That’s right - we’re talking about social media marketing! We invited Dr. Brian Baliwas onto the podcast today to share a little about what he knows about social media and all of its slang. Brian will be discussing how to grow a social media following with a few tactics of his own that include injecting his content with a little dental humor. He also shares why it’s important to build something called a “static page”, slang we go into a little later in today’s episode.  But first we want to make sure you’re not afraid to enter the realm of social media. Instagram and Facebook shouldn’t be intimidating. Social media isn’t something you “suck” at, even though Jodi thinks she does. We know that’s not true! Social media