Javascript to Elm

Elixir Fundumentals



Covering the basics Elixir has truthy and falsy Boolean conditionals. I feel right at home Variable assignment can only happen on the left side of the equal For a match to succeed, the LHS and RHS must have the same shape, and each value on the right must match the corresponding value on the left. If the thing on the left is an unbound variable, Elixir binds that variable to the value being matched. The LHS cannot contain any calculations or function calls Using _ for ignoring values. Helpful in getting a RHS and LHS match All variables on the LHS of a match are unbound before the match is made. Solution is to use the pin up arrow, *^ to prefix the variable Only your posts users should only see their posts. all posts will show on the home page Resources Dave Thomas the Coding Gnome calling an external idp api get all entries by user id Travis CI and a VPS Realworld App Follow JavaScript to Elm Twitter: @jstoelm Email: Jesse Tomchak Twitter: @jtomchak