Javascript to Elm

64: Themes



What is a Theme and why it’s important First themes are not New’s Years Goals, more of an over arching Idea I’ve seen some good and interesting conversations around social media posting themes and sharing them Cortex Podcast I’d laid out somewhat of a plan for 2019, but rather than in my head, always better to get it out on paper and in my case podcast it to everyone. I’ve got 2, so and we’ll cover them one by one Creating Content The basic idea is I would like to produce, create, out pour more content that I consume this year. That means mindless twitter. Set a 30 minute limit on iOS for twitter a while ago Clean and prune my RSS feeds and Podcast feeds, which at this point are getting really, really out of control. I don’t think I ever actually finish them.. This might be a variety of outlets. This podcast for one newsletter daily / weekly blogging live streaming on twitch while I work AMA Tutorial Videos on things I don’t know, or things I want to know Conference talks Exception, I’ve made a