Javascript to Elm

60: Getting Haskell Unit 2 Types



Into to Types Basic types this is where we get the : : and then the variable definition, we tried assignment, something to differentiate it from the typical variable assignment we do in JS starts with a capital letter Tuple types type inference i think this is under appreciated, but so far in 2 weeks we have been writing Haskell without type signatures. relaying on the compilers ability to infer those types function types the -> is used to separate arguments and return value Polymorphic Haskell does not DO implicit type conversion, or what we affectionately call coercion in JS “their type is determined from the compiler based on the way they’re used” Simple example is 5/2 you don’t need to put 5.0 / 2.0 to get a double back of 2.5 show and read functions with multiple arguments partial application, remember lazy evaluation, more on that later I see nested function calls and I just want to shout ‘pipe operator!!!!’ i think it’s called bind in Haskell types for first class functions reme