Javascript to Elm

55: Dependent Types Part 2



Parametric Types Defining type signatures with parameters that are themselves valid types. Something like List Int would generally describe all lists in a given program that have items in that list that are integers Dependent Types If we take the idea of parametric types and stretch them a bit to behave more like functions, in the sense that they would take parameter values. Then you could have something like List 3 Int which would no longer represent any List that has Int values, but only List’s that have a length of 3 and are integers. Picks Resources Programming Language Foundations in Agda By Phil Wadler & Wen Kokke “Categories for the Working Hacker” by Philip Wadler A TALE OF TWO ASYNCS: OPEN SOURCE LANGUAGE DESIGN IN RUST AND NODE.JS, by Ashley Williams Co-recursive with Phil Wadler Follow JavaScript to Elm Twitter: @jstoelm Email: Jesse Tomchak Twitter: @jtomchak