Javascript to Elm

53: Elm Conf 2018



Didn’t make it the Goal and that’s ok. We made a ton of progress. I mean a ton We have a better handle on Routing, parsing, decoding I feel like even though we didn’t make the goal, we hit the spirit of it pretty much on the head. And that feels awesome. It was a lot of time in Elm, and you know what. It was pretty rad. So How was the Conf? it was so much fun. We we talked about it being a pre conf. If you’ve listened to the show even a super tiny bit, you’ve had heard me say that. There was the ICFP that started the sunday before and went til saturday. A whole week for a conference!!! Holy cow. I’ve been to WWDC before, which was a week, but iOS never really had the social share aspect like the communities I’m in now. ICFP is a pretty hard core Functional conference, leaning more towards the academic side of things. There are research projects, and presentations of published papers. That sort of thing PWLCONF - Papers We Love trying to bring industry and academic together Software with a Mission - cr