Javascript to Elm

52: Gonna Make it



Getting Through the routing Elm wasn’t updating when the URL changed. Probably bc we weren’t telling elm, only the react router. D’oh Elm Navigation helper function newUrl and modifyUrl newUrl takes a string and returns a Cmd only changes url currently on, does not all to the browser history, ? man, gotta learn a little more about browser API’s. So much of my time up til now has been reliant on the JS Framework to abstract those away. Not a bad thing, just never learned the core functionality that I was using. New Note and Existing note both launch to the right page!!! We are, in a funny way, right back where we started. Man we are in the deeps of Elm. This is fun. Getting note data by id Outing going data with note id as part of the request Done lots of these We’ll need to request it when the URL matches the “note” rough Ah, where to make this request? Probably best in the update where we are getting the UrlChange ? yeah. We can pattern match on if it’s the ‘Note’ route and then call that cmd the