Javascript to Elm

50: React Elm, Tipping Point



Convert all the Components Things I did before I got started updated Typora, my markdown writer updated VSCODE messed around with my Hyper Terminal Settings - side note, i now have tabbed terminal windows which was driving me nuts for the longest time. See so not always a total waste. lol installed powerline fonts? Login Signup Notes bc it’s the biggest. I feel like if we get to the top of this hill, and quickly, it’s all downhill from here. Meaning the momentum should allow us to plow through login and signup bring over needed Elm pieces to react container create route ‘Note’ save create case for Note on view based on route AH DAMN IT now i need the note id from the url url parser ? elm package install evancz/url-parser route : Url.Parser (Route -> a) a the type ‘a’ of ‘a’ throws me off. Url.Parser is a type that take an argument, a function that takes Route and return something, and the product of that function Url.Parser and Route -> a takes another of type a. NOPE Url.Parser t