Javascript to Elm

45: Exploring ReasonML



buckle script 3.2 OCaml to JS compiler Babel for oCaml Reason is a transformer FFI Two way transpire ?!? PPX’s First class support for JSX ? Syntax extensions, mmmmm Lacking interpolation in Elm Optional explicit type. Can’t say I’m a fan. The sort of explicit mental exercise of typing it out is helpful for me. Interop @bs.val or @bs.val Binding to existing JS API by name React Reason ? Labeled Arguments with ‘~’ React - Lite Shipped in 4.0 Embedded web socket Maybe Serbia hard for me bc of obj but man, that’s rough to look at. Lol Resources ReasonML Bindings BS-Express Reason on the server? ReasonML the what and why Follow JavaScript to Elm Twitter: @jstoelm Email: Jesse Tomchak Twitter: @jtomchak