Javascript to Elm

43: Finally in Production



Do it already?!?!? What's the hold up? I needed to make a list. So here it is, let's go through it.   Elm Conf Site Videos from last year Speaker List    What's the hold up Shut up, where's my diagram? You promised me a diagram twice, and have failed to deliver both time. And that's not what we want to do on this show. Truth be told, I was pretty sure it was inaccurate at best, or worst just flat out wrong. So I made a new version and it is posted BEFORE I recorded the show. Json Encode Maybe POST over Ports. The trifecta of learning Elm. PORTS. Even if you aren't super leveraging PORTS, you'll need to get along with PORTS Json Decoders Maybe Types Fix image preview size At this point I'm frustrated that I can't "peer" into the Elm code, the way I can in JS. This is a very difficult habit to break. HAHAH, Ports kicking our but Decoding Json, I like it. There I said it. Encoding is a bit of a trip, but I think....I get it. Encoding nested records into JS Object Values!!!!!!!