Javascript to Elm

40: Rust in Production with Docker



Rust from local to prod Get Docker installed Sounds simple right? WSL install. Windows damon, linux subsystem doesn’t actually need a VM! If you get an error the next time you start your WSL terminal don’t freak out. It’s a bug with 18.03 and you can easily fix it. Hit CTRL+Shift+ECS to open task manager, goto the “Services” tab, find the “LxssManager” service and restart it. Well that is quite a ride, isn’t it. we haven’t even started up a container yet! Get Rocket Running in Docker locally Gonna need a dockerfile Need to make sure the DNS for pulling docker image is set ? I remember sysAdmin, it’s like trying a 1,000 keys, and it’s always the 889th key that works docker build -t friendlyhello . # Create image using this directory's Dockerfile docker run -p 4000:80 friendlyhello # Run "friendlyname" mapping port 4000 to 80 docker run -d -p 4000:80 friendlyhello # Same thing, but in detached mode docker container ls # List all running containers docker