Javascript to Elm

35: Elm Forms



Elm Forms But first a bit about where we stand. Once we get those pieces in Elm, I’d like to take the oppurtunity to push our app in a bit of different direction. I’ve noticed that on a on daily basis, I don’t really open meow notes, I don’t dog food my own side project. Now originally that wasn’t the point of Meow Notes. It’s purpose, if you’ve stuck with us this long bare with me, was to learn Elm really well by actually refactoring an existing project of a pretty good size. That’s Meow Notes. Now as we continue down this path, it’s served it’s functionality very well. We’ve mocked out a pretty successful side project. Complete with HTTPS, service workers, and a backend built entirely in lambda functions on aws. So, what do I use everyday? Well, twitter. Let’s make a twitter clone out of meow notes. mmmmmm, nah. But what if we turn it into a micro pub application? That could be kinda cool. Then even down the road we could add cross posting to twitter from our micro pub app? That sounds pretty cool. So let