Javascript to Elm

34: Elm With Flags



Elm With Flags - A simpler way. The idea here is we can instantiate our Elm app anywhere in with our React architecture and pass to it a flag of the Route is should use to determine what view to render. Get the Route passed in to the Elm init as a flag Get the Elm app to pattern match on that route passed it to determine what view to render. Take over the world. Updating Elm Program to take a a flag of our intended route Probably not gonna be Home anymore, but all things, so let’s call it Main.Elm this will communicate that this is the entry point of our Elm app. Starting with this: main : Program Never Model Msg main = Html.program { view = view , init = init , update = update , subscriptions = subscriptions } And Ending up with this: main : Program Flags Model Msg main = Html.programWithFlags { view = view , init = init , update = update , subscriptions = subscriptions } This also means our init