Javascript to Elm

32: Elm Routing



Routing Elm SPA’s For some reason, this general goal is called “Single Page Apps” or SPAs in the JavaScript world. It is odd in that the essence is that you want to manage multiple pages intelligently, and maybe “asset management” would have been clearer, but that ship has sailed. The core functionality is the ability to “navigate” to new URLs, changing the address bar of the browser without the browser kicking off a request to your servers. Instead, you manage the changes yourself in Elm. Handling Routing in Elm First and foremost, NO HASHES Will need to be a navigation program, that will handle the initial incoming Route with the app it instantiated. Gonna need some helpful libraries Elm Navigation Install elm-lang/navigation Came out recently with 0.17 release program function from Navigation package is defined as: This sets up our Elm app to get updates when the url or location changes. program : (Location -> msg) -> { init : Location -> (model, Cmd msg) , update :