Javascript to Elm

31: JavaScript is the New C



C Lang JavaScript operating systems everywhere the web everywhere Compile Target Compile Target Null references Undefined Performance Yeah, JS is stupid fast too JavaScript is the new C JavaScript is Dead, long live JavaScript Used to be really straight forward to get started with JS. Open a text editor / browser and write some code. JS ecosystem now has task runners, bundlers, transformers, CommonJS / ES Modules, minify, source maps, package management w/ npm, dev servers, prod performance builds, virtual DOM rendering, V8 performance, I would contest that JS has never been an is “easy” language to master, but an easy platform to be productive in. With the list above, I believe that easability is now gone. Languages that interact with C, but would you want to write your next application in C? C++ Java Golang C# Python Haskell Objective C Languages that interact with JS, but would you want to write your next application in JS? Elm. Elm is a purely functional programming language that c