Javascript to Elm

25: Now With More Elm



  Conferences Elm Europe is closed for CFPs elm Europe Elm Europe will be a two-day conference dedicated to Elm, taking place at the EFREI Engineering School in Villejuif (near Paris, France) on July, 5-6th 2018. React Rally React Rally is a two day single track conference for developers of all backgrounds using Facebook’s React.js, React Native, and related tools. Speakers will cover topics such as React Native, Flux, ES6, isomorphic universal JavaScript, and so much more CFP The core theme for talks at React Rally is “things that are interesting to React developers.” We want stories about how you built products or experiences with React, stories about overcoming challenges with (or caused by) React, and ideas for solving problems that exist in React today. Sample of good proposals Local ServiceWorkers, because you know….SSL! After searching the inter webs for several possible solutions… Local signed cert Launch Chrome with flags /Applications/Google\\ Chrome