Javascript to Elm

22: Project. Make Something



  Project: Just do it already Run code in MirrorCode and transpile JS code to AST and compare to answer stored at AST. But the first part is to incorporate the editor, CodeMirrior, and capture the input. That would be the definition of success. Init app, get it running Split page into 50% using CSS Grid, bc fancy Put CodeMirror onto page with Elm The Problem. I need to apply the instance of CodeMirror to the div with id “CodeEditor” After Importing CodeMirror, Embedding the Elm app on the root id tag my “CodeEditor” element is nowhere to be found. Ports Ellie as a template Capture coding input and output Evaluate that JS, safely? Where it all when wrong the midterm Passed or Failed Totally failed at this one. Apply the instance of CodeMirror to the element ID after Elm creates the content Request Animation Frame?? Nope, no idea? The rabbit hole, Elm and Ports Me, Elm, and Compile failures * Realign Expectations, Rethinking learning this stuff Ok, so it’s a larger project I don’t have a good gras