Javascript to Elm

20: Building a compiler. Part 1



  Compilers aren’t scary. What is it Compiler or Interpreter, what’s the difference? Steps of a Compiler Interpreter What we’re actually building Bit of what Meow Lange will look like Lexical Analysis Defining Tokens Actual Lexer Additional Character Implementation Picks Resources Follow Compilers aren’t scary. Frankly, this topic, for me, above all others, has been wildly unapproachable. And this might be a case where I know more than I think, but I think the reality is, the materials I’ve found explaining compilers come with nothing short of a dump truck of implied knowledge, that I simply do not process. You can check the resources for an extensive list of books that i’ve started with varying degrees of success, one that stuck, that we are going to use extensively is Thorsten Ball’s “Writing an Interpreter in Go.” I know what you’re thinking, Go? I’ll defer to Thorsten’s points. Go standard lib has all the things we need, including built in testing. No 3rd libs needed. Go tooling is pretty gre