Javascript to Elm

17: Ports: Playing well with others



  Ports Evan’s call to action So in listening to the latest ElmTown, episode 22, with Evan Help needed: High on the google search results. Blog Posts in dealing with Ports. Similiar to SPA in Elm, more documentation became available. JavaScript alternitive, not a different approach to FrontEnd developement. NOT making JS better as a goal, but rather FrontEnd Better all together. If Ports can’t work for you, then Elm may not be for you, and that’s ok. Love to see Elm on other platforms, is the usual comment. Web Storage, I hear, a more generalized approach, rather than tieing Elm to specific API. Portability. Ecosystem Reliability Forigen Function Interface / Interop ? actual sovling the problem in another way, not just replicating or shoehorning the JS solution into Elm JavaScript Interop Not your regular langague interop. When C++ was designed, it was a consious design choice that all C, was vaild C++, this provides FULL backward compatibility. That is the easy, and popular choice. Java/Scala or JavaSc