Javascript to Elm

16: Haskell for the Greater Elm



Haskell for a greater Elm The more Elm I do, the more I feel like I’m reading a story, and missed a chapter. There feels like some infered knowleadge, that I simply do not possess. Like you missed a key plot point in a movie, and you totally miss the big reveal! You might be a very visual person. That’s awesome. I am not. I often here hear in teaching, that get the students to get something, anything up on the DOM, as soon as possible. This accomplishs a couple things. It gives them a sense of accomplishment, which is great, sucesses, at every level should be celebrated, but it also gives them some visual feedback, a thing,a tangable thing to look at and manipulate. I am not that type of student. I would rather do 20 commandline println "Hello World than a single visual output. And for me, the reason is repitition. I need the quickest, shortest, black and white feedback. I don’t want to switch applicaitons, I don’t even want to switch window focus. I want to type out a thing, and as quickly as I can, get some