Javascript to Elm

Elm Conf 2017



  Elm Conf Elm Conf 2017 Closing Q&A NoRedInk - Hired Evan. 2ish years ago. Plans for Evan to live for years working only on Elm. Sweet! And if Richard isn’t worried, neither am I. Common Reasons, blockers for adoption - Mobile, quicker assets, things needed for certain size of business. There is always a list of needs. Expanding core features. Elm meetup 15 peeps. 2 years later 350 peeps at conference. Why is Elm not bigger? Whose using Elm in production, and now it’s dramatically improved. Comparison to like JS, meh. I like the Ruby comparison. Current industery is favoriable to Elm. What are the direct benefits. Not Specs, benefits! Value of helping other in the community, meetups, help out. Creating local markets. Best way for beginners to help out - Run a user group, or conference. Talk to peeps. Open a dialog to the owner or contribuitor. Beginner centric focus on the Elm community. I like Murphy’s phrase, ‘Thought Share’ Accessability - Merged into elm-htlm? maybe not so much, big api ch