Javascript to Elm

10: Taking Functional Back to JS



  Functional Principles What we’re not talking about. Using flow or Typescript will give us types,(I even linked CoffeeScript 2 in last weeks show) and that can be a lot of help in the loose wild west that JS can be. But this is less about tooling, and more about methods, thoughts, problems solving ideas that we use in languages like Elm and Haskell, languages that encourage us to think about the model design first and the declaritively write our view. These are the things we’re gonna try and focus on, and yeah, it will likely touch on tooling to help us. What better way to help us reinforce this new ideas then to using them in our daily work. What does functional solve for us? State and mutable values are hard to follow, or reason about. Composition lodash The lodash library, by John-David Dalton, offers many things JavaScript doesn’t: consistency, performance and a suite of functions for doing common or otherwise error-prone tasks. There are almost 300 functions in lodash, with the package receiving