Javascript to Elm

8: Types with Help



  News and updates Elm conf was last week, and it was fun to follow via slack and twitter. It sounds like it was as amazing as I expected it to be. Really wish I could have made it. Brian Hicks, the organizer, has started releasing the videos of the talks. I was hoping to binge watch them all, but they are being released 2 per day. I like this idea. Gives me a chance to focus on just 2 for that day, and enjoy them. Rather than skipping around from some to others. The motivation was really to give all the speakers due credit for their hard work, and not get buried in an avalanche style release. Once they are all releases, I’ve been making notes on each video as they’re coming out, and hopfully I’ll be able to incorporate it into an upcoming episode soon. Looking forward, Elm Europe 2018 is next Engineering School in Villejuif (near Paris, France) on July, 5-6th. Calling for papers…. Types with that for can haz help You can’t save yourself from …. yourself (SELECTED_PHOTO not SELECT_PHOTO)!!!! Spent probabl