Javascript to Elm

7: Deeper Understanding with Haskell



  News and updates Keeping these short, and make sure that these episodes remain focused on the goal…learning Elm by doing. Elm Conf is anyday now. I’m hoping to binge watch them all, and will likely to a bonous episode on all the talks, in addition to my weekly learning. Learning Haskell Why I think it might be important? (Elm compiler)[] is written in Haskell Nothing ‘Truthy’ Haskell cannot compare two values that have different types. No coercion. I am seeing some ‘Swifty’ things in Elm, like the maybe or as I learned it, the optional. Also the let .. in expression is something I learned from Swift. Infact, the more I learn, the more I think, oh man, that was borrowed from Haskell! Where did Haskell get if from? So why not go to the source? Learning Haskell University Of Glasgow, Future Learn dot com Setting up Haskell for Mac LINK Wk 1 Defining a function: a function defines an expression with variables Lambda functions: functions don’t need a name The l